Book: Love & Respect

“Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires, The Respect He Desperately Needs” is a groundbreaking book by Dr.Emerson Eggerichs offering much needed help to husbands and wives. It introduces the Biblical teaching of unconditional respect and explains that it is as powerful as unconditional love. Discover the secret revealed by…

Hedges – Protect our Marriage

In a culture that minimizes infidelity and its devastating effects, best-selling author Jerry Jenkins gives strong but practical advice: plant preventive hedges around your marriage. You will face many enemies, but there is a way to deal with sexual temptation long before it occurs — and to stay faithful for…

TNT for Dynamite Relationships

Love has a hard-side & a soft-side–Both are valuable! It is important to have balance in our hard and soft side. Leaning to one extreme or the other is not good for relationships. Discovering where your ‘balance’ between the hard and soft side will be helpful to you in your…

Can Your Marriage Go the Distance?

I’m sure we all know that it takes more than good intentions to have a fulfilling and lasting marriage. Sometimes wedding vows are broken, and marriages do come to an end. The effects on the individuals, children, families, and the wider community—can often be felt for generations. But is the…