The “SLED Test” is a simple argument against abortion. The pro-life view is that the unborn are human beings just like you and me. That’s why it’s wrong to kill them. Although many abortion-choice advocates agree the unborn are human, they deny they are valuable human beings. They think this…

Dignity of Human Life

In western society, just about everything is disposable. Unfortunately, even human life can become a commodity, to be disposed of at will. “Don’t be silent in the face of injustice; but be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves…”

Alive and Living in Ireland

Our six-part series deals covers a wide spectrum of topics dealing with the sanctity and value of human life. During the course of these programmes you’re going to hear from a number of families, including the stories of single mothers raising their children. We’ll hear how they’ve coped, along with…

The Irish Abortion Referendum

There are very few laws it can be said with certainty have saved lives. The 8th Amendment was one: “The State acknowledges the right to life of the unborn and, with due regard to the equal right to life of the mother, guarantees in its laws to respect, and, as far as…

Ultrasound – God-Given Technology

Lives are saved every day by ultrasounds. by Susan Graham Mathis “You don’t have to sugar coat it. The facts don’t lie. It’s a baby!”sonographer Tim says as told how he came to volunteer at a local pregnancy resource center and what it means to him. While Tim was in…

Teen Mum – Awaiting the Transformation

by Tricia Goyer Sometimes I wish God would let me see a preview of how the ways I give, serve and love will one day pay off. Such a preview would have been helpful when I first met Kayleigh. I was volunteering at our local pregnancy resource center when her…