In a culture that minimizes infidelity and its devastating effects, best-selling author Jerry Jenkins gives strong but practical advice: plant preventive hedges around your marriage. You will face many enemies, but there is a way to deal with sexual temptation long before it occurs — and to stay faithful for life. Marriage is in real danger and we have to work diligently to protect our marriages. If we don’t do so, we will find temptation will come our way for sure and if we fall, chaos and pain will ensue for our marriages and families. Build hedges of protection! Marriages are under fire from many fronts. One of the most damaging, and one from which it may not recover is infidelity, and is becoming more prevalent. WE NEED HEDGES! Have them in place before the danger arises! Hedges features helpful insights such as…

  • The importance of putting hedges of protection around your marriage. It may be a new concept for some of us – but don’t leave it till it is too late.
  • Evidence around us shows Hedges are needed!
  • Don’t tinker around – Run for your life!
  • Men and women are built and function differently
  • We need to equip our children for these differences and prepare them for life – so they too will build hedges to protect their marriages.

Our radio series is based on the book of the same title by  Jerry B. Jenkins, an author of over 150 books, and wrote “Hedges” to help others plant preventative hedges around their marriage.  It’s Worth Fighting For!