Heritage Builders A heritage is more that just money or property. It’s a set of spiritual, emotional, and social values that are passed from parent to child. This heritage can be either positive or negative! What will you leave behind?
- Heritage Builders Programmes: Episode 1. What is a heritage? Every heritage (whether positive or negative) has three distinct, yet interrelated parts, like a cord with three strands: spiritual, emotional and social. This episode provides a model, a plan that parents can follow. Episode 2. Family Fragrance & Family Traditions How do we create a home environment which fosters an A.R.O.M.A. = Affection, Respect, Order, Merriment & Affirmation Episode 3. The Family Compass Establish a standard or normal, healthy living against which attitude, actions and beliefs are measured.
- Episode 4. Family Moments Leaving a lasting, positive impression on your children is important if you want to pass on a positive heritage. It is hoped that your children in turn, pass it onto their children.
As mentioned n the Heritage Builders A Child’s ‘Bill of Rights’:
- To emotional stability
- To live in an affirming Environment
- To Pursue their Potential
- To Make Mistakes
- To Know Truth
- To Their Own Free Time
- To Receive Nurture and Admonition
- To Grow in Responsibility
- To Grow in Knowledge
- To be Hugged