“Bringing Up Kids Without Tearing Them Down” provides the tools parents need to underwrite their kids’ lives with a solid sense of self-worth and confidence. Often the very things parents do to develop self-esteem in their children actually does just the opposite. Dr. Leman’s insights help parents avoid that. Some of the topics addressed are:
- “Oh no, I told myself I would never do that to my kids,”
- “The crucial difference between praise and encouragement,” and
- “How to raise responsible children.”
Learn to develop a strategy of discipline that works in any family with any child and how to get the best behavior from each child. Featuring helpful insights such as…The ABC’s of Self Worth
- Acceptance and Affirmation
- Belonging
- Competence
Five “Image Insurance Principles” you can use daily:
- Don’t take misbehaviour personally
- All behaviour has a purpose
- Love them no matter what
- Parents don’t own their kids
- The tail does not wag the dog