Single at Christmas

Personally, I have mixed feelings. I’m an only child, living alone. I have an excellent relationship with my parents and there’s an unwritten assumption that I’ll always go ‘home’ for Christmas. I’ve never actually suggested anything else, but I’m pretty sure my mum and dad would be hurt if I chose to spend…

Mismatched Marriage vs Single and Lonely

If you’re seeing “red-flags” in a person before marriage; it’s probably for a good reason. Most people get “cold feet” at some stage because it is a big decision! So, get good counsel. Heed the warning signs. And learn from the good—and bad–examples of others. Vincent Hughes, along with our own Stephen…

Single Dads – A father and a Gentleman

Written by Arthur Keeley James has an infectious smile. At 19 years of age, unlike some of his more sullen peers, he is polite and gracious. The women in our church especially enjoy talking to him. Young and old alike feel respected and honoured in his company. In a world…

Single Parent – Take Care of Yourself

Shortly after becoming a single parent, I noticed that my daily life had changed, and peace was far from my home. There were days that I struggled just to make it through; I was exhausted. So I cried out to God for help, and the answer was clear. I needed…