We talk about real-life issues that affect all of us in Ireland, and try to bring you time-tested marriage, relationship, and parenting advice each week “on the air.” And occasionally, we get to do so in-person! One of those events was in June of 2010. Our own Heather Walsh and Stephen Cardy joined Anna Daly before a live-studio audio audience. This programme is a return to that evening: “Parenting: Scary Journey, or Fun Ride?” Hosted by Rónán Johnston, with Stephen Cardy, Heather Walsh and  Anna Daly If you or someone you know wants to build a stronger healthier marriage, make sure to listen to these open and and honest discussions. And if you’d like to find out how to host a live event like this on marriage and/or parenting in your area, please contact us!

Resources/Links mentioned:

  •  “Bringing Up Boys” (Dobson)
  • “Bringing Up Girls” (Dobson)
  • “Boundaries With Kids” (Henry Cloud)

Other Radio Series You May Find Helpful:

So, is parenting a scary journey or a fun ride? Well as Stephen says himself, it’s both! Our children will always be our children and we as parents can unlock the potential that is in each child. But we have to work.
There’s plenty of great topics that come in this packed half hour programme. Such as:
  1. Learning to mould their will without breaking their spirit!
  2. The family that eats together…
  3. The importance of saying ‘no’
  4. Knowing the impact that you as a parent make.

In June 2010 Heather Walsh and Stephen Cardy joined Anna Daly of Life FM together with a live-studio audience to record this practical and interactive radio programme. It’s a lively discussion and includes some questions from the audience–including:

What do we do about swearing?
How do we deal with kids threatening to hit their parents?
How can we help our kids get on with each other?
Some Resources mentioned in the show:
Bringing Up Boys by Dr. James Dobson
Bringing Up Girls by Dr. James Dobson
Boundaries with Kids by Henry Cloud