We talk about real-life issues that affect all of us in Ireland, and try to bring you time-tested marriage, relationship, and parenting advice each week “on the air.” And occasionally, we get to do so in-person! One of those events was in June of 2010. Our own Heather Walsh and Stephen Cardy joined Anna Daly before a live-studio audio audience. This programme is a return to that evening: “Parenting: Scary Journey, or Fun Ride?” Hosted by Rónán Johnston, with Stephen Cardy, Heather Walsh and Anna Daly If you or someone you know wants to build a stronger healthier marriage, make sure to listen to these open and and honest discussions. And if you’d like to find out how to host a live event like this on marriage and/or parenting in your area, please contact us!
Resources/Links mentioned:
- “Bringing Up Boys” (Dobson)
- “Bringing Up Girls” (Dobson)
- “Boundaries With Kids” (Henry Cloud)
Other Radio Series You May Find Helpful:
- Learning to mould their will without breaking their spirit!
- The family that eats together…
- The importance of saying ‘no’
- Knowing the impact that you as a parent make.
In June 2010 Heather Walsh and Stephen Cardy joined Anna Daly of Life FM together with a live-studio audience to record this practical and interactive radio programme. It’s a lively discussion and includes some questions from the audience–including: