Tips on cutting down your food bill

Written by 1) Buy in bulk Bulk buying can offer genuine savings, especially if you share out the produce among friends and neighbours. Sacks of rice, for example, are extremely cheap from Asian grocers. 2) Avoid pre-packaged food If possible, try to buy food that isn’t wrapped up in…

Budget Busters Part 2

Keep monthly expenses like housing, food and transportation from breaking the bank each month!  In Part 1 of “Budget Busters,” we identified sections in our budget that keep us living in the red. Now that we know why we run a deficit each month, one question remains. How can we keep our…

Budget Busters Part 1

If your family struggles with making ends meet, these budget busters may be the culprit. Here’s how your family can start living in the black again. Budget busters are the large potential problem areas that can destroy a budget. Failure to control even one of these problem areas can result…