Five Languages of Apology

Best-selling author Dr.Gary Chapman, author of the “Five Love Languages,” teamed up with counselor Jennifer Thomas for an eye-opening study of one of the most important, yet least understood pillars of human relationships: the apology. So, if you want to sustain healthy, whole relationships—or restore broken ones—we think you’ll find this programme helpful! You…

Does Marriage Even Matter

In some cultures, “love” has never been a pre-requisite for “arranged marriages.” But in modern-day Ireland, more and more unmarried couples are living together, sharing expenses, and rearing children before marriage—or outside of marriage entirely. So does it really make any difference? Listen to our special podcast as Vincent Hughes, Stephen Cardy…

Sticking Together When Life Falls Apart

Things are going grand… But eventually, (maybe unexpectedly),“life happens!” Jobs are lost…finances are stretched…loved ones get sick–or die. The list goes on and on. So, how can you and your spouse stick together—when the stressors of life threaten to “pull you apart?” Our own Stephen Cardy & Heather Walsh talked about that…

Do You and Your Spouse Fight Fair

In any marriage or relationship, conflict is sometimes unavoidable. The question is, what does it mean to “fight fair?” Conflict is never fun; but it doesn’t have to be destructive!  Stephen Cardy & Heather Walsh talked with Vincent Hughes, and with some  insight from Dr.Gary Chapman—they’ll help us discover: What does it mean…