Single Parent – Take Care of Yourself

Shortly after becoming a single parent, I noticed that my daily life had changed, and peace was far from my home. There were days that I struggled just to make it through; I was exhausted. So I cried out to God for help, and the answer was clear. I needed…

How your Teen is Wired

by Joe White, Larry Weeden Is your teen on the track to a meaningful future? Are you finding out what a joy it can be to help make the most of how God has wired him or her? Many of us want to help our teens dream big, fulfilling, God-honouring…

How to deal with Bullying

Your child has been increasingly trying to avoid of social occasions, constantly coming up with reasons to stay home, and you are getting worried. Look out for these signs as your child could very well be getting harassed: • Injuries — unexplained bruises, cuts or scratches • Torn, damaged or missing clothing…

Parents’ Role in Homework

When I was a classroom teacher, it wasn’t hard to tell which kids were getting too much outside help from their parents. A project and poster would look like a graphics team had created it, or a homework paper would be perfect, but the student would fail the test on…

The Involved Father

Fathers are just as essential to healthy child development as mothers. Psychology Today explained, “Fatherhood turns out to be a complex and unique phenomenon with huge consequences for the emotional and intellectual growth of children.”1 Erik Erikson, a pioneer in the world of child psychology, asserts that a father’s love…