Building Hope Into Our Family – Is just about that – Bringing HopeWhen our understanding grows – we grow. We are better equipped to engage and deal with real life. This is good for us and for all others engaged with us in life. Life can be an exciting adventure…
What became abundantly clear as we engaged in the creation of this series of programmes with Stuy Wilson of ZestLife Therapeutic Services – was that being proactive and affirming in our attitude to life, has profound and long lasting impact upon our current life and upon the outcomes of our…
In these Programmes – Our main guest is Katharine Hill the UK Director for Care For The Family based in Cardiff in Wales – an author and well known personality in relation to caring for the family. Katharine has featured in other series of Programmes featured on She was…
Life has been changing – fast, and the 21st Century has brought a more rapid pace of change than ever experienced in our lifetimes up to this. We need to adjust and cope with these changes. This is a summary of the content of the six programmes In Episode 1…
In this series, we hear from a number of competent experts working in the field of child raising and development, providing us with some expert input. You’ll also hear from some of our regular contributors: Joy Cantwell Moore and Isla Jeffers, who will be with us over the course of…
The “SLED Test” is a simple argument against abortion. The pro-life view is that the unborn are human beings just like you and me. That’s why it’s wrong to kill them. Although many abortion-choice advocates agree the unborn are human, they deny they are valuable human beings. They think this…
In western society, just about everything is disposable. Unfortunately, even human life can become a commodity, to be disposed of at will. “Don’t be silent in the face of injustice; but be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves…”
Kids face enormous pressures and must make critical choices in their teen years – especially in regards to alcohol and drug use. Sadly many parents find themselves unprepared or ill-equipped to help steer their kids away from harmful attitudes and behaviours. That’s where How to DrugProof Your Kids® comes in… The…
They feature in songs, films, on top of the tree, on your Christmas cards, even on Doctor Who! Individuals and families all over Ireland seem to be fascinated with them; so we explore a bit more about angels on our Christmas special called, “Angels Among Us!” Featuring custom music…